Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More to life than it seems

My house.. is getting very cold.. not just literally

Today it seems, is duller (yes i made that word up) than most. I walk out of my bedroom looking at 2 doors, both my housemates, locked in their rooms. I havent talked to them in awhile, i knock on one door, pull the handle and push.. *locked* .. sigh another chance to talk to a housemate lost. I look at the other door, i wanted to knock, then i heard his girlfriend and him giggling among themselves, forget it i tell myself, dunt be a lightbulb. i walk back into my room, plop myself in front of the comp and start typing.

5 min pass, Sean's body doesnt seem to bode well with the loss of communication.. only one other person to turn to...

i pick up my guitar and start worshipping God, it always relaxes me... and i just kept on playing worship songs even though i knew i had to do work. i didnt wanna let go of my guitar, i didnt want to stop worshipping God ... i was lonely...

i prayed to God....

God.. why is this happening .. i expected my household to be more lively than this.. but now everyone is in their own room doing their own things. i dunno what to do, but just let me stay with u.. all i need is in u .. all i want is to be with u ..

all i need is u lord.. is u lord .. all i need is u i sang..

time went by.. and heard a knock on the door. oh dear have i been singing too loudly again??

i put toto back in her basinet, opened my door. Saw a smile on Ray's face.. "would you like a cake" he said .. apparently its his birthday

i accepted the offer and took the chance to just talk to him abit..

came back into my room, brought myself to bed..

i closed my eyes.. smiled.. and said a short prayer

"Thank u lord.. that was exactly what i needed"

Wasnt such a dull day after all....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A new love

Love love love... yes im in love~~ and the worst part is .. i cant seem to keep my hands of her!!

K i know ive been complaining about having no life and all.. and that i really dunt have time to do anything.. but i find her always by my side literally whenever i study or even blog...

Ok mum and friends... b4 u freak out and think i really do have a girlfriend and start probing me with questions.. the she im referring to is my guitar!~~~ (well honestly it aint exactly mine, im borrowing from a friend indefinitely.. Thx Miss Leo!!)

Maybe i'll just share a little history on how i got started with the Guitar.

It was a dark and rowdy nite in Canberra when it all started. I was brooding over the fact that flies were constantly in my face all the time and more so that my housemate Leumas Gnow a.k.a Samuel Wong was going back to Singapore for good and the thought suddenly hit me that we would only be left with ian and sam to play for lifegrp (considering mel was going to plant a church and joy doesnt come as often as we'd like her to). I figured that maybe i should go pick up the guitar too!! And Guess what .. God paved the way to making me a guitarist!! that night itself, Sam all of the sudden gave me a crash course on guitar chords, when i went back to brisbane, Samuel tot me more basics and chords, when i went back to singapore, i honestly wanted to buy a guitar but in the end i managed to borrow a guitar from a friend to practice and just when i wanted to give it back to her, she got herself a new guitar and told me i could use her guitar indefinitely. I was like... amazed at the turn of events and i really really thank God for his provision =)

Isnt she so kewl!!

Now...i cant seem to keep my hands off the guitar !! i play and play till my finger tips turn blue and are aching with pain.. but i just cant stop.. everytime i start playing praise and worship songs with the guitar ( i call her Toto by the way -_-).. i just cant stop singing my heart out in joy and loudness... yes.. loudness

People normally sing in the bathroom.. but when Sean's with his guitar.. Whole nother story...

There was this one time i tink i got a lil over board and sang till my room mate complained hahaha.. at first i was kinda sad about not being to really play the guitar and sing as loud as i wanted but i figured i would just close my doors and window and just play something soft and slow... little did i know i would go back to door banging decibel volumes again haha..

Also Amelia, Charmaine and me have formed a small band called... MINIBAND (can imagine jaws dropping) where we come together with Charm on the keyboard, Me on the guitar and Am with her *cough* air drums/vocals to just sing praise & worship songs and the occasional damien rice songs that Am forces me to learn -_- .. Cant wait for the day we can stand together in lifegrp or even better to play for Service!!!

But i really thank God for everything so far, indeed he continues to blow my mind everyday and i'd be a sucker not to live for him.

Thank u God!! and not forgetting all the peeps that have helped me in my walk with the guitar haha

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Living the life of a no lifer

Yes!! its finally comes down to this... Sean is officially a no lifer!!

But u might be wondering .. what is the real definition of a no lifer?? so being curious i actually went to google up the "definition of no life" and here are some of the results

1. having no life would be staying alone at home watching tv all day...not much movement..not much activity..not experiencing things

2. having no life means you consider "the Mall" the preeminent destination for culture and socializing, you think "The Olive Garden" is good authentic Italian food, and you think that Titanic is the greatest film ever made.

3. You are a zombie

But i realise .. im none of these... so to add on to the list of definitions of a no lifer..

A NO LIFER is a person who does not have any time to socialise with his/her friends and immediately goes back home after school or function to study or prepare work.

Thats my definition of a no lifer as of now... it kinda sucks having no time for fun or leisure.. everyday u come home just to hit the books till 12 am then go to sleep.
Guys u gotta bring Sean out soon or else Fun fun Sean will fade away ahhhhhh!!

Prayer for the day - Lord free me from this bondage of unlife!~~~