Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sean's Law

Has anyone heard of Murphy's Theory?? if u didnt know what Murphy's Theory is... in short.. it states, anything that can go wrong WILL go wrong.

k now back to my topic.. Sean's Law... i know.. by now u must be thinking to ureself.. What has Sean come up with again.. it must be something lame.. just tell me and get this over with..

Well here goes nothing =).. Sean's Law states that "Anything that goes wrong... must be Sean's fault" but a law cant be a law until proven rite?? so i decided to test it out~

I was out with 2 of my friends yesterday for a rugby match and i asked one of my friends to just tap her shoulder. this was how it went ---
*disclaimer - i'll use A and B instead of names to protect the identities*

Sean: i wanna test something out... tap A on the shoulders when she least expects it
B: ok
-moments later B taps A
A: SEAN!!!!!!!

Law proven =)

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